We welcome you as you embark on the venture of Holy Matrimony. Because a marriage is entered into within the community of faith, we normally expect one party, at least, to be an active, baptized member of Holy Innocents' or in the process of becoming part of this parish. We do also allow for "destination weddings" so do reach out to us.
We believe that the spiritual dimension of life is the vital core of a marriage and that the support of the community of the church is essential. It is the Spirit who transforms a human marriage into Holy Matrimony.
An interview with Mtr. Carson+ at Holy Innocents' is the first step to take in making plans for a wedding, and we suggest that this be done at least six months in advance of the proposed wedding. Initial dates and times for the rehearsal and wedding can be arranged before this, but final plans cannot be made until after a personal interview with Mtr. Carson+.
Holy Innocents' Episcopal Church affirms and supports marriage between same sex couples and opposite sex couples. The couple must complete pre-marital counseling with the officiating clergy or with their home parish clergy prior to the wedding.
Weddings are not usually performed during the liturgical seasons of Advent and Lent.
Please reach out to our rector, Mtr. Carson+, to learn more, or to set up an initial conversation. You can email her at
For more information about any section of this page, please feel free tro contact Mtr. Caroline Carson+ at or our parish administrator Lisa Halpin at
Preface: This policy is presented in accord with the teachings, Canons, and Book of Common Prayer (BCP) of the Episcopal Church. Definition: "Holy Baptism is full initiation by water and The Holy Spirit into Christ’s body, the Church." (BCP p. 298)
Prerequisites: For an adolescent young person or adult – his/her express desire to become a member of the faith community.
For a pre-adolescent child – his/her own express desire along with the consent of the parent(s) or guardian(s) to become a member of the faith community.
For an infant – the expressed desire of the parent(s) or guardian(s) for their child to become a member of the faith community and a reasonable manifestation of their lively participation in that faith community. If the candidate attends a church other than Holy Innocents', we ask that the minister of that congregation send a letter to our rector asking that we perform the Baptism on their behalf.
Sponsors or Godparents: While traditionally three godparents or sponsors are selected (two of whom are male for a male candidate, two female for a female candidate) any number may be chosen. Since these persons are responsible for seeing that the candidate is nurtured in the Christian faith and life, they should be carefully chosen with that in mind. It is encouraged that at least one sponsor be chosen from the local congregation.
Preparation: Prior to the Baptism, usually a good deal of time before, the parents and godparents/sponsors are asked to meet with the rector for a pre-baptism conference. The conference will address the meaning of baptism, its history and symbols, the role of parents and godparents/sponsors in their baptismal covenant. A rehearsal of the baptismal service usually takes place closer to the actual day or the morning of the service.
Date, Place and Time: Baptism is appropriately administered within the Eucharist at the principal Sunday service (BCP p. 298). Baptism is especially appropriate at the Easter Vigil, Day of Pentecost, All Saints' Sunday, and the Feast of the Baptism of our Lord, or when the bishop is present (BCP p. 308). Exceptions can be made for extenuating circumstances. Private or home baptism is allowed only in the most extreme situations.
Baptism and Communion: Since "Baptism is full initiation…into Christ’s body the Church," every baptized person, regardless of age, is welcome to receive Holy Communion. Baptized infants and pre-adolescent children, while not required, are encouraged to receive.
Information: When desiring Holy Baptism, please contact the church at least one month in advance with the following information for the baptismal register and certificate:
At Holy Innocents', we know that death can be a complicated and difficult time for families. The clergy, staff, and volunteers are here to support you through this transition, and to help your family celebrate the life of your loved one.
Funeral Prearrangements
We strongly encourage members of the parish to make their funeral arrangements in advance. This information is kept on file in our office. All information is confidential.
Funeral Scheduling
Funerals are scheduled through the church office with our rector (Mtr. Carson+) assisting with the arrangements. Funerals may be in the church (seating approx. 350) or in our Chapel (seating approx. 14), and are usually at 10 a.m. or 2 p.m. You may choose to have your loved one's ashes interred in the our Columbarium, located in our beautiful Memorial Garden. For more information, contact Lisa Halpin, our parish administrator, at
Niches may be purchased and accommodate up to three persons' ashes.